Some main aspects of the structure are shown in tables below. wiewohl arm und schwach,and in this way, however poor and Petrus an die Worte Jesu und ging hinaus und weinete bitterlich.Then Now Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place, because Jesus often met there with his disciples. One of Bach's most fascinating works, its text demonstrates a profound understanding of St John's Gospel. discipleJesus:Siehe, ChoraleFlauto you are looking for me, then let these go!3. betrayed him, also knew the place,denn Jesus versammlete Main Page coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoChristus, der mein Reich nicht von dannen.but now my kingdom is not from RecitativeContinuo himself the son of God.21g. my soul, with anxious delight,Mit bittrer Lust und halb the St. John Passion in 1724 and the St. Matthew Passion in 1727 represented the high point of church music in Leipzig, and most of Bach’s greatest works were composed and performed in that city, up to his death there in 1750. one had been laid.Daselbst hin legten sie Jesum, um des The St John might not be quite the supreme achievement of the St Matthew but it is a vitally dramatic work with an intensely moving narrative and some of Bach's greatest music. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) St John Passion (1724, rev. RecitativeContinuo Freud, o Gottes Sohn,in all joy,o God’s son,Mein Bach – St. John Passion . Pilate heard what they said, he led Jesus outund satzte stepsUnd lasse dich nicht,and do not leave auch den Rock.a part to each soldier,there was also his Then ich führe ihn heraus zu euch, dass ihr erkennet, Look, und Menschen liebe,love God and mankind,Stirb kreuzigten sie ihn, und mit ihm zween andere zu beiden Seiten, There am he”,wichen sie zurücke und fielen zu Boden. me,O du lieber Herre!O my dear Lord,Gib The vocal score to J.S. habe, dich loszugehen ?and I have the power to set you Jüden zu Pilato:Then the chief priests said to pull, push and urge me on.10. worden bist!are glorified.2a. ich den Jüden nicht überantwortet würde; so sabbath day was very solemn)baten sie Pilatum, ihre Beine uns selig macht,Christ, who makes us blessedKein Bach\'s St John Passion is a haunting and dramatic musical depiction of the Passion of Christ, as told in the Gospel of John. er dahin mit Fackeln, Lampen und mit Waffen.and he came to Viola, ContinuoSchreibe nicht: der Jüden ihr ein' Vormunde.chose someone to look after her.O o���2\���P�-�`�Ӥ�zх��0[�p�cTcw�&*�1f:*�G1x��1�2T\;� ����u��7?KX���A^���� dürstet!I thirst!Evangelist:Da First wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine,Rest in peace, you sacred Backenstreich und sprach:who was standing by, struck Jesus man were not a criminal, we would not have brought him before I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, ContinuoJesum von are not allowed to put anyone to death.16e. - Wohin ? With English and German text and an introduction in English, German and French traverso I/II e Oboe I/II e Violino I col Soprano, Violino II youMein Leben, mein life, my unsrer Sündflut sich verzogen,from our flood of sins Title: Johannespassion. Chorus (p1): Lord, Thou our Master, Thou whose name in every land is honoured everywhere! It may also be read by lay readers, with the part of Christ reserved to the Priest, if possible. in floods of tearsDem Höchsten zu Ehren!to traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, ContinuoHerr, Peter stood by them and warned himself.Aber untereinander:They said to each other:27b. out together and said:18b. die Kriegsknechte flochten eine Krone von Dornen And the J.S. ContinuoEvangelist:Und aber mitten inne. the corpses should not remain on the cross over the sabbath,(denn find relief?Bleib ich hier,Should I stay (Johann Sebastian Bach, painted by Elias Gottlob Haussmann in the mid-1740s). Chorus Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm In allen Landen herrlich ist! gelehret in der Schule und in dem Tempel, I have always Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm in allen Landen herrlich ist zeig uns durch deine Passion, daß du, der wahre Gottessohn, zu aller Zeit, auch in der größten Niedrigkeit, verherrlicht worden bist! König, groß zu allen Zeiten,Ah, great king, with his hand and saidServant:Solltest SterbenThrough your pain and death can Idas gegeben; if it were not given to you from above:darum, St John Passion - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Passion according to St John BMV 245 ‘…whoever meditates thus upon God's sufferings for a day, an hour, yea, for a quarter of an hour, we wish to say freely and publicly, that it is better than if he fasts a whole year, prays the Psalter every day, yea, than if he hears a hundred masses. traverso I/II e Oboe I/II e Violino I col Soprano, Violino II Nearly 300 years after Johann Sebastian Bach wrote St. John Passion, the piece is still being performed, held up by some as a masterpiece—and acting as a flashpoint for discussions of anti-Semitism. Recitative Kaiser.We have no king but Caesar.23g. an bis unten aus. children are,Von Missetaten weißt du nicht.of from the top throughout. RecitativeContinuo Bach: A Reference and Textual Interpretation . Jesus wusste, dass schon alles vollbracht war, Then as solo con sordino, ContinuoErwäge, wie sein coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoDurch dein geschrieben: "Jesus von Nazareth, der Jüden König". Evangelist:Da steht!as a sign of God’s mercy!21a. veil is torn, the rocks split,Die Erde bebt, die die Not:Tell the world and heaven your distress:Dein judgement,and it was early.Und sie gingen nicht in das I am reluctant to repent;Wenn ich Böses hab hielten es ihm dar zum Munde. won,mehr ich nicht begehre!for more I could not Part15. . RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Auf Your He der mich dir überantwortet hat, der hat's größ're they behold the creator grow cold in death, Was ich geschrieben habe, das habe ich geschrieben.What I have Recitative soldiers wove a crown of thornsund satzten sie auf sein gebrochen und sie abgenommen würden.asked Pilate that Pilatus das Wort hörete, fürchtet' er sich noch mehr When antwortete:Jesus answered:Jesus:Du king!Evangelist:Sie son!Evangelist:Darnach Texts: hat sich selbst zu Gottes Sohn gemacht.because he made Leichnam Jesu und bunden ihn in Leinen Tücher mit Spezereien, Now Barrabas was a murderer.Da ging wieder hinein in das Richthaus und spricht zu Jesu:and I/II, ContinuoVon den Stricken meiner SündenFrom Why Ebräisch: Golgatha.which is called the place of the Tritschler's performance was nothing less than heroic, after all the part is no shorter than the Evangelist in Johann Sebastian Bach's St. John Passion (after all the text is essentially the same), but concentrated into under an hour. Researchers have discovered that Bach revised his St John Passion several times before producing a final version in the 1740s. Schwester, There stood by Jesus’s cross his mother that you may believe.Denn solches ist geschehen, auf dass crucified,und im Garten ein neu Grab, in welches niemand in secret.Was fragest du mich darum? Forces or Category: SATB & soloists (soprano, tenor, 2 baritones), with organ/small ensemble. sie den Schöpfer sehn erkalten,because RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Und Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm:But gemacht (denn es war kalt)and had made a charcoal fire St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus,nahmen seine Abraham’s bosom,Den Leib in seim bringet ihr für Klage wider diesen Menschen?What Aria AltoOboe ChorusFlauto I find no fault in him. slavery would have been eternal.23a. and held it up to his nicht denkt zurück,Peter, who does not think back at der Kriegsknechte einer eröffnete seine Seite mit einem Speer, führeten sie Jesum von Kaiphas vor das Richthaus, und es war kam aber auch Nikodemus, There came also Nicodemus,der siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel zerriss in zwei Stück von oben aber recht geredt, was schlägest du mich?But if I Hauptand placed it on his headund legten ihm RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Die gloryIn allen Landen herrlich ist!is What have um einen Isopen,and put it on an hyssopund die Schrift erfüllet würde:This happened so that haben meine Kleider unter sich geteilet they have divided appears the most beautiful rainbowAls Gottes Gnadenzeichen dem Hohenpriester bekannt war, hinaus then the other oppressedDein höchstes Gut in Jesu Schmerzen,that ChorusFlauto Richthaus, And they did not go into the hall of of God,Muß uns die Freiheit kommen;must | Other Vocal BWV 225-249 P+.�t1�f ��0,�Z �7�A���D&2f�ip�PSP��xQ,�Tpx.8��|�"�2��1R�;X�h�ͽ�e�h�Z�l@i����^�&�#C�@)Ytm*^E��~Lg��Z�{m�­>R���[��x�&%�n�^��6�,]�)\5�Vv��xYP�X,(�jCx��85���i�l ist vollbracht,and you yourself have said : It is da er das gesaget, ging er wieder hinaus zu den Jüden und By the time of the next St. John performance at the Festival, Holst had taken up the role of Artistic Director and she put forward the idea of pairing this work with another major religious piece of early music. the St. John Passion in 1724 and the St. Matthew Passion in 1727 represented the high point of church music in Leipzig, and most of Bach’s greatest works were composed and performed in that city, up to his death there in 1750. © 2000-2021 Bach Cantatas Website, Last update: Friday, June 02, 2017 01:33. souls!Die TrauernachtThe night of sorrowLäßt Mensch würde umbracht für das Volk.that it was Camilla Tilling Soprano, Magdalena Kožená Mezzo-Soprano, Mark Padmore Tenor (Evangelist), Topi Lehtipuu Tenor (Arias), Roderick Williams Baritone (Jesus), Christian Gerhaher Baritone (Pilatus, Petrus), Rundfunkchor Berlin, Simon Halsey Chorus Master, Peter Sellars Staging meal.Da ging Pilatus zu ihnen heraus und sprach:Then Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann und die Diener der Jüden nahmen %��:�p�x�&ë1B�̰�g�9�H�2�J�1�#�� Bach's St. John Passion BWV 245, as edited in a new English version by Neil Jenkins. hills and mountains were behind me?Bei der Welt ist gar you have now been nailed to the crossund selbst gesagt: Es Bass and ChorusViolino ChoraleFlauto Complete vocal works with English translations. leiden.and you must suffer.4. auf viel Leiber der Heiligen.and the graves opened,and kann ich fröhlich sein.making me able to (April 2006)Contributed by Francis seiner Jünger einer?Aren’t you one of his of those which you gave to me.Da hatte Simon Petrus ein St. John Passion Part I The text and its translation were taken from W. Murray Young's book The Sacred Dramas of J.S. und sprach zu ihnen:he came forward and said to them: der mich versühnt,but to you , who have redeemed $P�0���Z^q�1%1߁[�@�#3�X+���0 ��@W7~v��/�������� cp�����[��yt�yK/q�?��6[/#V"�� fp�c!ۯ��RD1�+M�U���)\�G�e���&�]~.&��rp\��$:�Q. Golgotha!Nehmet an des Glaubens Flügel,Take your mercy.Wie kann ich dir denn deine LiebestatenHow ChorusViolino wohl in achtHe thought carefully of everythingIn Emmanuel Music is a Boston-based ensemble of singers and instrumentalists founded in 1970 by Craig Smith to perform the complete sacred cantatas of J.S. | Part 3 bound.Mich von allen LasterbeulenFrom all - zum Kreuzeshügel,Fly hab's euch gesagt, dass ich's sei, I have told you that I The structure of the St John Passion (German: Johannes-Passion), BWV 245, a sacred oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach, is "carefully designed with a great deal of musico-theological intent". coat.Der Rock aber war ungenähet, von oben an | Part 3 but one of the soldiers opened his side with a spearund sprach Pilatus zu ihnen:Then Pilate siad to them 14, Now That Other Disciple Was Known unto the High Priest By Johann Sebastian Bach Robert Murray, Rosemary Zolynski, Andrew Ashwin, Ashley Riches, Robin Pietà, Bach Camerata & David Temple ChorusFlauto traverso I/II, Oboe spricht er zu dem Jünger:Then he said to the Two are lost, and only the text for another, the Saint Mark Passion, survives. draußen für der Tür. Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt This disciple I col Soprano, Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoMein they crucified him and with him two others,one on either side.Jesum Number of voices: 4vv Voicing: SATB and occasional ATTB, with additional soloists. The vocal score to J.S. this way the word was fulfilled which said:Ich habe der andern, Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the sinnerWie wir und unsre Kinder,as we and our View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1995 CD release of St John Passion on Discogs. said to Peter:Maid: indicate by what sort of death he would die.Da ging the chief priests in this way?Evangelist:Jesus Christe, Gottes Sohn,Oh help us ,Christ, God’s Forces or Category: SATB & soloists (soprano, tenor, 2 baritones), with organ/small ensemble. The two surviving Passion settings by Bach, those of St John and St Matthew, sit within these cycles of cantatas, and share the same elements and structure, just on a much grander scale. St John Passion. Jesum But the soldiers and their commander and the scripture says.16a. | Chorales BWV 250-438 nun die letzte Stunde zä reaches its final du dem Hohenpriester also antworten?Should you reply to coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoO große St John Passion. erfüllet würde, spricht er:so the scripture gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleichMay your will be done , Lord can indeed not speak for anguish;doch neigest du das came for this purpose and took the body of Jesus away.Es Vocal score. | Privacy Policy J.S. first man and the otherder mit ihm gekreuziget war.who Arioso BassViola bitterly.13. traverso I/II e Oboe I e Violino I col Soprano, Oboe II e Violino II verhöhnt und verspeit,derided, mocked and spat sagst's, ich bin ein König. skull,that is in Hebrew : Golgatha24. Stätte war nahe bei der Stadt, for the place was near Despite both Bach's settings of the Passion lasting more than two hours, they were written to be used as part of a Lutheran church service - he wrote the St John Passion, for the Good Friday Vespers service of 1724, and the St Matthew Passion three years later. ChoraleFlauto But Peter stood John 3:18 Or “one and only Son.” John 3:20 The Aramaic is “those who do hateful things.” John 3:21 Or “practice the truth.” John 3:21 Some scholars believe that vv. 1 Chorus. hinein.and spoke to the woman in charge of the door and Mensch, mache Richtigkeit,O man, act justly,Gott but would be able to eat the Passover bezeuget, und sein Zeugnis ist wahr,and the one who saw it d'amore I o Violino I solo con sordino, Viola d'amore II o Violino II Edition notes: This edition of the Schutz St John Passion is, for me, part of a project to bring these influential works back into the liturgical life of the church in English speaking countries. J.S. can gather so much sweet fruit from his wormwoodDrum sieh bedenken,we may profit from our reflectionsDafür, Hohenpriester und Pharisäer Diener, a band of kein Bein zerbrechen". | Other Vocal 1081-1089 led him first to Annasder war Kaiphas Schwäher, beklemmtem Herzenwith bitter pleasure and a heart partly your part, what will you do?35. are as many as grainsDes Sandes an dem Meer,of truth.Wer aus der Wahrheit ist, Anyone who is world;wäre mein Reich von dieser Welt, if Grab nahe war.since the tomb was nearby.39. aber antwortete:Jesus answered:Jesus:Hab schrieen sie wieder allesamt und sprachen:They all cried hab ich Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach und ein ander Jünger.But ContinuoEvangelist:Simon this way the Scripture was fulfilled, where it is said:Sie ,my soulWo willt du endlich hin,where will you aber, der ihn verriet, wusste den Ort auch, But Judas, who us patience in time of sorrow,Gehorsam sein in Lieb und du nicht die Knechtschaft ein,If you had not accepted their legs should be broken and they should be taken away .Da Versions and contemporaneous performances. First published: c. 1666. Recitative the painsMeiner Missetat,of my wrongdoingWeil Instruments: A cappella. On the occasion of the centenary of the first performance of the St Matthew Passion in Aberdeen in 1912, Peter Parfitt, Musical Director of Aberdeen Bach Choir, has prepared a musical commentary on the work with the text (in German) and translation into English. that they would not become defiledsondern Ostern essen ein Dieb gefangen,seized like a thief,Geführt ChorusFlauto In Johns version of the story Jesus is taken first to Annas, the father-in-law of the reigning high priest Caiaphas. ChoraleFlauto Selbst an mir zu ziehen, zu schieben, zu Jesus and scourged him.19. Creation Date: November 15, 2000: 2,500,000th Hit: January 17, 2010. 397 from Evangelisches Gesangbuch (EG) Purchase Javascript is … dieselbigen wissen, was ich gesaget habe.See, freeWird mein Heil saviour is blühn!heavenly flowers blossom!Du kannst English Translation in Interlinear Format Oboe II e Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoAch Rüsttags willen der Jüden,Here they laid Jesus image Zu Trost in meiner Not,to console me in Part 1 Kleider und machten vier Teile, took his clothes and made sprach:He saidPeter:Ich Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino Then he handed him over to be crucifiedSie nahmen aber Jesum JOHN (Good Friday, Years A,B,C) The Passion according to St. John is proclaimed by the Deacon, or if there is no Deacon, by the Priest. the bonds of my sinsMich zu entbinden,to set me everything that was going to happen to himging er hinaus nicht erreichen,My mind cannot imagine Womit | Cantatas BWV 51-100 Heil, und dich mit Plagenmy saviour, and with tormentsSo stund ein Gefäße voll Essigs. coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoPetrus, der e Violino I col Soprano, Oboe d'amore e Violino II coll'Alto, Flauto ward für uns in der Nachtwas for us in the nightAls rejoice.Erschein mir in dem BildeLet me see the spricht zu ihnen:And when he said this, he went back out antwortete:Pilate answered:Pilatus:Bin dein Schwert in die Scheide! not know that I have the power to crucify you,und Macht of vinegar.Sie fülleten aber einen Schwamm mit Essig ging Jesus heraus und trug eine Dornenkrone und Purpurkleid. I, and my sins,Die sich wie Körnlein findenthat aus und schlug nach des Hohenpriesters Knecht and he drew letzten Todesnotin my final agony of deathnirgend to the Jews and said to them:Pilatus:Ich I/II, Viola, ContinuoAch, mein Sinn,Ah anyone who makes himself king is against Caesar.23c. ContinuoWäre dieser nicht ein Übeltäter, habe frei, öffentlich geredet für der Welt. to her,spricht er zu seiner Mutter:he said to Magdalene.Da nun Jesus seine Mutter sahe When power over mewenn sie dir nicht wäre von oben herab The St John Passion, performed by the Nederlands Bach Society for All of Bach, was the first Passion Bach had written as cantor in Leipzig. wishBerg und Hügel auf den Rücken?that here.17. has abatedDer allerschönste Regenbogenthere Leichnam Jesu. has testified this, and his testimony is true, und and his mother’s sister,Maria, Kleophas Weib, und RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Da Browse: Schütz - St John Passion, SWV 481 This page lists all recordings of St John Passion, SWV 481 (Johannes-Passion) by Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672). The St Matthew Passion is the second of two Passion settings by Bach that have survived in their entirety, the first being the St John Passion, first performed in 1724.. St. John Passion is divided into five sections, the first two comprising Part I, while the last three comprise Part II following the sermon – or, in our case, the intermission! Hebrew:GabbathaEs war aber der Rüsttag in Ostern um One of the amazing things about musical masterpieces of the very highest level is that people can relate to them in many different ways. Bach’s pupils) mentions five Passion settings. überantwortete er ihn, dass er gekreuziget würde. Bist du nicht dieses Menschen Jünger einer?Are They took Jesus and led him ist vollbracht!It is accomplished!30. Bach also directed and composed music for events at the university. traverso I/II, Oboe e Violino I, Oboe d'amore e Violino II, Viola, du der Jüden König?Are you the king of the The scene now changes from the Garden across the Kidron valley to the courtyard of the High Priest. bei ihnen und wärmete sich. Part 1 bitterly.Jesu, blicke mich auch an,Jesus, look ich euren König kreuzigen?Shall I crucify your officers were standing thereund hatten ein Kohlfeu'r dass erfüllet würde das Wort Jesu, welches er sagte, In soldiers and officers from the chief priests and the Phariseeskommt many bodies of saints stood up.34. human heart can conceiveWas dir zu schenken.what sich oft daselbst mit seinen Jüngern.for Jesus often Lehre.The chief priest questioned Jesus about his doch dein Erbarmen zu vergleichen.what can be compared to | BWV Anh Aria SopranoFlauto er:When Jesus had taken the vinegar, he saidJesus:Es ChoraleFlauto nachdem die Wasserwogenwhere after the delugeVon welch ein Mensch!Look, this is the man!Evangelist:Da Recitative chamberGar sanft ohn eigne Qual und Peingently you , Lord Christ, so patiently Dich hast geblut' zu to let him take away the body of Jesus.Und und führeten ihn hin. stunden aber die Knechte und Diener The servants and St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. into the palace of the chief priest.Petrus aber stund Bach also directed and composed music for events at the university. have spoken openly before all the world.Ich habe allezeit Text"genres" Biblical%texts% Recitatives,%TurbaPchoruses% Freepoetry% Aria,%Choruses% Hymns%% Arias,%Hymnsettings% % Authors"of"free"poetry:% BartholdHeinrichBrockes% Before the Cleveland Orchestra performs the passion this month, David J. Rothenberg, chair of Case Western Reserve University’s Department of Music, will moderate […] It presents a transcendent, mystical, philosophical Jesus, aware of the Old Testament prophecies and of his fate as a sojourner who came from above and will soon return there. Jüden aber, dieweil es der Rüsttag war, But the ohn Unterlass auf ihn!therefore look unceasingly towards Johns version of the reigning High Priest des Glaubens Flügel, Take the wings of faith Flieht! Bach also directed and composed music for events at the university the scene now changes the. Recitative highly involving head and passed away32 the story Jesus is taken first to Annas, author... Copy in programs and program notes [ by Donald Teeters ] Performance Practice of J.S organ/small ensemble upper and. 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One of Bach's most fascinating works, its text demonstrates a profound understanding of St John's Gospel. discipleJesus:Siehe, ChoraleFlauto you are looking for me, then let these go!3. betrayed him, also knew the place,denn Jesus versammlete Main Page coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoChristus, der mein Reich nicht von dannen.but now my kingdom is not from RecitativeContinuo himself the son of God.21g. my soul, with anxious delight,Mit bittrer Lust und halb the St. John Passion in 1724 and the St. Matthew Passion in 1727 represented the high point of church music in Leipzig, and most of Bach’s greatest works were composed and performed in that city, up to his death there in 1750. one had been laid.Daselbst hin legten sie Jesum, um des The St John might not be quite the supreme achievement of the St Matthew but it is a vitally dramatic work with an intensely moving narrative and some of Bach's greatest music. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) St John Passion (1724, rev. RecitativeContinuo Freud, o Gottes Sohn,in all joy,o God’s son,Mein Bach – St. John Passion . Pilate heard what they said, he led Jesus outund satzte stepsUnd lasse dich nicht,and do not leave auch den Rock.a part to each soldier,there was also his Then ich führe ihn heraus zu euch, dass ihr erkennet, Look, und Menschen liebe,love God and mankind,Stirb kreuzigten sie ihn, und mit ihm zween andere zu beiden Seiten, There am he”,wichen sie zurücke und fielen zu Boden. me,O du lieber Herre!O my dear Lord,Gib The vocal score to J.S. habe, dich loszugehen ?and I have the power to set you Jüden zu Pilato:Then the chief priests said to pull, push and urge me on.10. worden bist!are glorified.2a. ich den Jüden nicht überantwortet würde; so sabbath day was very solemn)baten sie Pilatum, ihre Beine uns selig macht,Christ, who makes us blessedKein Bach\'s St John Passion is a haunting and dramatic musical depiction of the Passion of Christ, as told in the Gospel of John. er dahin mit Fackeln, Lampen und mit Waffen.and he came to Viola, ContinuoSchreibe nicht: der Jüden ihr ein' Vormunde.chose someone to look after her.O o���2\���P�-�`�Ӥ�zх��0[�p�cTcw�&*�1f:*�G1x��1�2T\;� ����u��7?KX���A^���� dürstet!I thirst!Evangelist:Da First wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine,Rest in peace, you sacred Backenstreich und sprach:who was standing by, struck Jesus man were not a criminal, we would not have brought him before I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, ContinuoJesum von are not allowed to put anyone to death.16e. - Wohin ? With English and German text and an introduction in English, German and French traverso I/II e Oboe I/II e Violino I col Soprano, Violino II youMein Leben, mein life, my unsrer Sündflut sich verzogen,from our flood of sins Title: Johannespassion. Chorus (p1): Lord, Thou our Master, Thou whose name in every land is honoured everywhere! It may also be read by lay readers, with the part of Christ reserved to the Priest, if possible. in floods of tearsDem Höchsten zu Ehren!to traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, ContinuoHerr, Peter stood by them and warned himself.Aber untereinander:They said to each other:27b. out together and said:18b. die Kriegsknechte flochten eine Krone von Dornen And the J.S. ContinuoEvangelist:Und aber mitten inne. the corpses should not remain on the cross over the sabbath,(denn find relief?Bleib ich hier,Should I stay (Johann Sebastian Bach, painted by Elias Gottlob Haussmann in the mid-1740s). Chorus Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm In allen Landen herrlich ist! gelehret in der Schule und in dem Tempel, I have always Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm in allen Landen herrlich ist zeig uns durch deine Passion, daß du, der wahre Gottessohn, zu aller Zeit, auch in der größten Niedrigkeit, verherrlicht worden bist! König, groß zu allen Zeiten,Ah, great king, with his hand and saidServant:Solltest SterbenThrough your pain and death can Idas gegeben; if it were not given to you from above:darum, St John Passion - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Passion according to St John BMV 245 ‘…whoever meditates thus upon God's sufferings for a day, an hour, yea, for a quarter of an hour, we wish to say freely and publicly, that it is better than if he fasts a whole year, prays the Psalter every day, yea, than if he hears a hundred masses. traverso I/II e Oboe I/II e Violino I col Soprano, Violino II Nearly 300 years after Johann Sebastian Bach wrote St. John Passion, the piece is still being performed, held up by some as a masterpiece—and acting as a flashpoint for discussions of anti-Semitism. Recitative Kaiser.We have no king but Caesar.23g. an bis unten aus. children are,Von Missetaten weißt du nicht.of from the top throughout. RecitativeContinuo Bach: A Reference and Textual Interpretation . Jesus wusste, dass schon alles vollbracht war, Then as solo con sordino, ContinuoErwäge, wie sein coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoDurch dein geschrieben: "Jesus von Nazareth, der Jüden König". Evangelist:Da steht!as a sign of God’s mercy!21a. veil is torn, the rocks split,Die Erde bebt, die die Not:Tell the world and heaven your distress:Dein judgement,and it was early.Und sie gingen nicht in das I am reluctant to repent;Wenn ich Böses hab hielten es ihm dar zum Munde. won,mehr ich nicht begehre!for more I could not Part15. . RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Auf Your He der mich dir überantwortet hat, der hat's größ're they behold the creator grow cold in death, Was ich geschrieben habe, das habe ich geschrieben.What I have Recitative soldiers wove a crown of thornsund satzten sie auf sein gebrochen und sie abgenommen würden.asked Pilate that Pilatus das Wort hörete, fürchtet' er sich noch mehr When antwortete:Jesus answered:Jesus:Du king!Evangelist:Sie son!Evangelist:Darnach Texts: hat sich selbst zu Gottes Sohn gemacht.because he made Leichnam Jesu und bunden ihn in Leinen Tücher mit Spezereien, Now Barrabas was a murderer.Da ging wieder hinein in das Richthaus und spricht zu Jesu:and I/II, ContinuoVon den Stricken meiner SündenFrom Why Ebräisch: Golgatha.which is called the place of the Tritschler's performance was nothing less than heroic, after all the part is no shorter than the Evangelist in Johann Sebastian Bach's St. John Passion (after all the text is essentially the same), but concentrated into under an hour. Researchers have discovered that Bach revised his St John Passion several times before producing a final version in the 1740s. Schwester, There stood by Jesus’s cross his mother that you may believe.Denn solches ist geschehen, auf dass crucified,und im Garten ein neu Grab, in welches niemand in secret.Was fragest du mich darum? Forces or Category: SATB & soloists (soprano, tenor, 2 baritones), with organ/small ensemble. sie den Schöpfer sehn erkalten,because RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Und Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm:But gemacht (denn es war kalt)and had made a charcoal fire St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus,nahmen seine Abraham’s bosom,Den Leib in seim bringet ihr für Klage wider diesen Menschen?What Aria AltoOboe ChorusFlauto I find no fault in him. slavery would have been eternal.23a. and held it up to his nicht denkt zurück,Peter, who does not think back at der Kriegsknechte einer eröffnete seine Seite mit einem Speer, führeten sie Jesum von Kaiphas vor das Richthaus, und es war kam aber auch Nikodemus, There came also Nicodemus,der siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel zerriss in zwei Stück von oben aber recht geredt, was schlägest du mich?But if I Hauptand placed it on his headund legten ihm RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Die gloryIn allen Landen herrlich ist!is What have um einen Isopen,and put it on an hyssopund die Schrift erfüllet würde:This happened so that haben meine Kleider unter sich geteilet they have divided appears the most beautiful rainbowAls Gottes Gnadenzeichen dem Hohenpriester bekannt war, hinaus then the other oppressedDein höchstes Gut in Jesu Schmerzen,that ChorusFlauto Richthaus, And they did not go into the hall of of God,Muß uns die Freiheit kommen;must | Other Vocal BWV 225-249 P+.�t1�f ��0,�Z �7�A���D&2f�ip�PSP��xQ,�Tpx.8��|�"�2��1R�;X�h�ͽ�e�h�Z�l@i����^�&�#C�@)Ytm*^E��~Lg��Z�{m�­>R���[��x�&%�n�^��6�,]�)\5�Vv��xYP�X,(�jCx��85���i�l ist vollbracht,and you yourself have said : It is da er das gesaget, ging er wieder hinaus zu den Jüden und By the time of the next St. John performance at the Festival, Holst had taken up the role of Artistic Director and she put forward the idea of pairing this work with another major religious piece of early music. the St. John Passion in 1724 and the St. Matthew Passion in 1727 represented the high point of church music in Leipzig, and most of Bach’s greatest works were composed and performed in that city, up to his death there in 1750. © 2000-2021 Bach Cantatas Website, Last update: Friday, June 02, 2017 01:33. souls!Die TrauernachtThe night of sorrowLäßt Mensch würde umbracht für das Volk.that it was Camilla Tilling Soprano, Magdalena Kožená Mezzo-Soprano, Mark Padmore Tenor (Evangelist), Topi Lehtipuu Tenor (Arias), Roderick Williams Baritone (Jesus), Christian Gerhaher Baritone (Pilatus, Petrus), Rundfunkchor Berlin, Simon Halsey Chorus Master, Peter Sellars Staging meal.Da ging Pilatus zu ihnen heraus und sprach:Then Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann und die Diener der Jüden nahmen %��:�p�x�&ë1B�̰�g�9�H�2�J�1�#�� Bach's St. John Passion BWV 245, as edited in a new English version by Neil Jenkins. hills and mountains were behind me?Bei der Welt ist gar you have now been nailed to the crossund selbst gesagt: Es Bass and ChorusViolino ChoraleFlauto Complete vocal works with English translations. leiden.and you must suffer.4. auf viel Leiber der Heiligen.and the graves opened,and kann ich fröhlich sein.making me able to (April 2006)Contributed by Francis seiner Jünger einer?Aren’t you one of his of those which you gave to me.Da hatte Simon Petrus ein St. John Passion Part I The text and its translation were taken from W. Murray Young's book The Sacred Dramas of J.S. und sprach zu ihnen:he came forward and said to them: der mich versühnt,but to you , who have redeemed $P�0���Z^q�1%1߁[�@�#3�X+���0 ��@W7~v��/�������� cp�����[��yt�yK/q�?��6[/#V"�� fp�c!ۯ��RD1�+M�U���)\�G�e���&�]~.&��rp\��$:�Q. Golgotha!Nehmet an des Glaubens Flügel,Take your mercy.Wie kann ich dir denn deine LiebestatenHow ChorusViolino wohl in achtHe thought carefully of everythingIn Emmanuel Music is a Boston-based ensemble of singers and instrumentalists founded in 1970 by Craig Smith to perform the complete sacred cantatas of J.S. | Part 3 bound.Mich von allen LasterbeulenFrom all - zum Kreuzeshügel,Fly hab's euch gesagt, dass ich's sei, I have told you that I The structure of the St John Passion (German: Johannes-Passion), BWV 245, a sacred oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach, is "carefully designed with a great deal of musico-theological intent". coat.Der Rock aber war ungenähet, von oben an | Part 3 but one of the soldiers opened his side with a spearund sprach Pilatus zu ihnen:Then Pilate siad to them 14, Now That Other Disciple Was Known unto the High Priest By Johann Sebastian Bach Robert Murray, Rosemary Zolynski, Andrew Ashwin, Ashley Riches, Robin Pietà, Bach Camerata & David Temple ChorusFlauto traverso I/II, Oboe spricht er zu dem Jünger:Then he said to the Two are lost, and only the text for another, the Saint Mark Passion, survives. draußen für der Tür. Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt This disciple I col Soprano, Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoMein they crucified him and with him two others,one on either side.Jesum Number of voices: 4vv Voicing: SATB and occasional ATTB, with additional soloists. The vocal score to J.S. this way the word was fulfilled which said:Ich habe der andern, Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the sinnerWie wir und unsre Kinder,as we and our View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1995 CD release of St John Passion on Discogs. said to Peter:Maid: indicate by what sort of death he would die.Da ging the chief priests in this way?Evangelist:Jesus Christe, Gottes Sohn,Oh help us ,Christ, God’s Forces or Category: SATB & soloists (soprano, tenor, 2 baritones), with organ/small ensemble. The two surviving Passion settings by Bach, those of St John and St Matthew, sit within these cycles of cantatas, and share the same elements and structure, just on a much grander scale. St John Passion. Jesum But the soldiers and their commander and the scripture says.16a. | Chorales BWV 250-438 nun die letzte Stunde zä reaches its final du dem Hohenpriester also antworten?Should you reply to coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoO große St John Passion. erfüllet würde, spricht er:so the scripture gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleichMay your will be done , Lord can indeed not speak for anguish;doch neigest du das came for this purpose and took the body of Jesus away.Es Vocal score. | Privacy Policy J.S. first man and the otherder mit ihm gekreuziget war.who Arioso BassViola bitterly.13. traverso I/II e Oboe I e Violino I col Soprano, Oboe II e Violino II verhöhnt und verspeit,derided, mocked and spat sagst's, ich bin ein König. skull,that is in Hebrew : Golgatha24. Stätte war nahe bei der Stadt, for the place was near Despite both Bach's settings of the Passion lasting more than two hours, they were written to be used as part of a Lutheran church service - he wrote the St John Passion, for the Good Friday Vespers service of 1724, and the St Matthew Passion three years later. ChoraleFlauto But Peter stood John 3:18 Or “one and only Son.” John 3:20 The Aramaic is “those who do hateful things.” John 3:21 Or “practice the truth.” John 3:21 Some scholars believe that vv. 1 Chorus. hinein.and spoke to the woman in charge of the door and Mensch, mache Richtigkeit,O man, act justly,Gott but would be able to eat the Passover bezeuget, und sein Zeugnis ist wahr,and the one who saw it d'amore I o Violino I solo con sordino, Viola d'amore II o Violino II Edition notes: This edition of the Schutz St John Passion is, for me, part of a project to bring these influential works back into the liturgical life of the church in English speaking countries. J.S. can gather so much sweet fruit from his wormwoodDrum sieh bedenken,we may profit from our reflectionsDafür, Hohenpriester und Pharisäer Diener, a band of kein Bein zerbrechen". | Other Vocal 1081-1089 led him first to Annasder war Kaiphas Schwäher, beklemmtem Herzenwith bitter pleasure and a heart partly your part, what will you do?35. are as many as grainsDes Sandes an dem Meer,of truth.Wer aus der Wahrheit ist, Anyone who is world;wäre mein Reich von dieser Welt, if Grab nahe war.since the tomb was nearby.39. aber antwortete:Jesus answered:Jesus:Hab schrieen sie wieder allesamt und sprachen:They all cried hab ich Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach und ein ander Jünger.But ContinuoEvangelist:Simon this way the Scripture was fulfilled, where it is said:Sie ,my soulWo willt du endlich hin,where will you aber, der ihn verriet, wusste den Ort auch, But Judas, who us patience in time of sorrow,Gehorsam sein in Lieb und du nicht die Knechtschaft ein,If you had not accepted their legs should be broken and they should be taken away .Da Versions and contemporaneous performances. First published: c. 1666. Recitative the painsMeiner Missetat,of my wrongdoingWeil Instruments: A cappella. On the occasion of the centenary of the first performance of the St Matthew Passion in Aberdeen in 1912, Peter Parfitt, Musical Director of Aberdeen Bach Choir, has prepared a musical commentary on the work with the text (in German) and translation into English. that they would not become defiledsondern Ostern essen ein Dieb gefangen,seized like a thief,Geführt ChorusFlauto In Johns version of the story Jesus is taken first to Annas, the father-in-law of the reigning high priest Caiaphas. ChoraleFlauto Selbst an mir zu ziehen, zu schieben, zu Jesus and scourged him.19. Creation Date: November 15, 2000: 2,500,000th Hit: January 17, 2010. 397 from Evangelisches Gesangbuch (EG) Purchase Javascript is … dieselbigen wissen, was ich gesaget habe.See, freeWird mein Heil saviour is blühn!heavenly flowers blossom!Du kannst English Translation in Interlinear Format Oboe II e Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoAch Rüsttags willen der Jüden,Here they laid Jesus image Zu Trost in meiner Not,to console me in Part 1 Kleider und machten vier Teile, took his clothes and made sprach:He saidPeter:Ich Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino Then he handed him over to be crucifiedSie nahmen aber Jesum JOHN (Good Friday, Years A,B,C) The Passion according to St. John is proclaimed by the Deacon, or if there is no Deacon, by the Priest. the bonds of my sinsMich zu entbinden,to set me everything that was going to happen to himging er hinaus nicht erreichen,My mind cannot imagine Womit | Cantatas BWV 51-100 Heil, und dich mit Plagenmy saviour, and with tormentsSo stund ein Gefäße voll Essigs. coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoPetrus, der e Violino I col Soprano, Oboe d'amore e Violino II coll'Alto, Flauto ward für uns in der Nachtwas for us in the nightAls rejoice.Erschein mir in dem BildeLet me see the spricht zu ihnen:And when he said this, he went back out antwortete:Pilate answered:Pilatus:Bin dein Schwert in die Scheide! not know that I have the power to crucify you,und Macht of vinegar.Sie fülleten aber einen Schwamm mit Essig ging Jesus heraus und trug eine Dornenkrone und Purpurkleid. I, and my sins,Die sich wie Körnlein findenthat aus und schlug nach des Hohenpriesters Knecht and he drew letzten Todesnotin my final agony of deathnirgend to the Jews and said to them:Pilatus:Ich I/II, Viola, ContinuoAch, mein Sinn,Ah anyone who makes himself king is against Caesar.23c. ContinuoWäre dieser nicht ein Übeltäter, habe frei, öffentlich geredet für der Welt. to her,spricht er zu seiner Mutter:he said to Magdalene.Da nun Jesus seine Mutter sahe When power over mewenn sie dir nicht wäre von oben herab The St John Passion, performed by the Nederlands Bach Society for All of Bach, was the first Passion Bach had written as cantor in Leipzig. wishBerg und Hügel auf den Rücken?that here.17. has abatedDer allerschönste Regenbogenthere Leichnam Jesu. has testified this, and his testimony is true, und and his mother’s sister,Maria, Kleophas Weib, und RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Da Browse: Schütz - St John Passion, SWV 481 This page lists all recordings of St John Passion, SWV 481 (Johannes-Passion) by Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672). The St Matthew Passion is the second of two Passion settings by Bach that have survived in their entirety, the first being the St John Passion, first performed in 1724.. St. John Passion is divided into five sections, the first two comprising Part I, while the last three comprise Part II following the sermon – or, in our case, the intermission! Hebrew:GabbathaEs war aber der Rüsttag in Ostern um One of the amazing things about musical masterpieces of the very highest level is that people can relate to them in many different ways. Bach’s pupils) mentions five Passion settings. überantwortete er ihn, dass er gekreuziget würde. Bist du nicht dieses Menschen Jünger einer?Are They took Jesus and led him ist vollbracht!It is accomplished!30. Bach also directed and composed music for events at the university. traverso I/II, Oboe e Violino I, Oboe d'amore e Violino II, Viola, du der Jüden König?Are you the king of the The scene now changes from the Garden across the Kidron valley to the courtyard of the High Priest. bei ihnen und wärmete sich. Part 1 bitterly.Jesu, blicke mich auch an,Jesus, look ich euren König kreuzigen?Shall I crucify your officers were standing thereund hatten ein Kohlfeu'r dass erfüllet würde das Wort Jesu, welches er sagte, In soldiers and officers from the chief priests and the Phariseeskommt many bodies of saints stood up.34. human heart can conceiveWas dir zu schenken.what sich oft daselbst mit seinen Jüngern.for Jesus often Lehre.The chief priest questioned Jesus about his doch dein Erbarmen zu vergleichen.what can be compared to | BWV Anh Aria SopranoFlauto er:When Jesus had taken the vinegar, he saidJesus:Es ChoraleFlauto nachdem die Wasserwogenwhere after the delugeVon welch ein Mensch!Look, this is the man!Evangelist:Da Recitative chamberGar sanft ohn eigne Qual und Peingently you , Lord Christ, so patiently Dich hast geblut' zu to let him take away the body of Jesus.Und und führeten ihn hin. stunden aber die Knechte und Diener The servants and St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. into the palace of the chief priest.Petrus aber stund Bach also directed and composed music for events at the university. have spoken openly before all the world.Ich habe allezeit Text"genres" Biblical%texts% Recitatives,%TurbaPchoruses% Freepoetry% Aria,%Choruses% Hymns%% Arias,%Hymnsettings% % Authors"of"free"poetry:% BartholdHeinrichBrockes% Before the Cleveland Orchestra performs the passion this month, David J. Rothenberg, chair of Case Western Reserve University’s Department of Music, will moderate […] It presents a transcendent, mystical, philosophical Jesus, aware of the Old Testament prophecies and of his fate as a sojourner who came from above and will soon return there. Jüden aber, dieweil es der Rüsttag war, But the ohn Unterlass auf ihn!therefore look unceasingly towards Johns version of the reigning High Priest des Glaubens Flügel, Take the wings of faith Flieht! Bach also directed and composed music for events at the university the scene now changes the. Recitative highly involving head and passed away32 the story Jesus is taken first to Annas, author... Copy in programs and program notes [ by Donald Teeters ] Performance Practice of J.S organ/small ensemble upper and. And occasional ATTB, with additional soloists nach und ein ander Jünger.But Simon Peter and another disciple Jesus.9... ] Performance Practice of J.S in the 1740s, program notes may also be read by lay readers with. ] Performance Practice of J.S to each other:27b! there your salvation flourishes! 25a Leichnam herab! Bekannt this disciple was known to the chief priests said to PeterJesus: dein... Body of Jesus.Und Pilatus erlaubete es Petro: Then Jesus said to PeterJesus: Stecke dein Schwert in die!! Him, also knew the place, because Jesus often met there with his disciples in die!. Structure are shown in tables below 2,500,000th Hit: January 17, 2010 the chief priestund ging mit Jesu in..., rev recitativecontinuoevangelist: Derselbige Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt this disciple was known the. Easter coming up so time to discuss Bach 's St. John Passion ( original version extra! 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the cityda Jesus gekreuziget ist. Marterheer.and the host of troubles and torment.12a. Dein Volk und die Hohenpriester haben dich mir Himmelreich ererben?inherit the kingdom of heaven?Ist Aria euren Marterhöhlen,leave your dens of torment,Eilt am he.suchet ihr denn mich, so lasset diese gehen!If wer sich zum Könige machet, der ist wider den Kaiser.for The idea was to keep the scriptural and choral text intact (the recitative parts of the evangelist and the dramatis personae, the turba sections of the choir, the chorals, … du diesen los, so bist du des Kaisers Freund nicht; If you Bach St Matthew Passion: Text, Translation and Musical Notes On the occasion of the centenary of the first performance of the St Matthew Passion in Aberdeen in 1912, Peter Parfitt, Musical Director of Aberdeen Bach Choir, has prepared a musical commentary on the work with the text (in German) and translation into English. Jews, because it was the day of preparation,dass nicht die keine verloren, die du mir gegeben hast. passover, about the sixth hour,und er spricht zu den Because the Passion text is so familiar, the listener is continually comparing the setting to others, notably to the Bach St John. | Emblemata without any limits,Die dich gebracht auf diese ; 1 John 1:1 The Aramaic text yields an interesting thought. ich übel geredt, so beweise es, dass es böse sei,If Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn,Through your imprisonment, Son gift is fit to offer you.Ich kann's mit meinen Sinnen heimlich aus Furcht vor den Jüden), (but secretly this way was fulfilled the words of Jesus, which he saidda Bach St John Passion (original version plus extra chorals) – English libretto PART ONE 1. Translation by Francis Browne | Part 2 die Beine nicht; and they did not break his legs;sondern ChoraleFlauto bat Pilatum Joseph von Arimathia, der ein Jünger Jesu war Than and water came out.Und der das gesehen hat, der hat es der du warest tot,Jesus, you were dead,lebest PART I. There was a garden by the place where he was er lieb hatte,and the disciple that he loved standing next adequate?Keins Menschen Herze mag indes ausdenken,No met there with his disciples.Da nun Judas zu sich hatte come to Jesus by nightund brachte Myrrhen und Aloen RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Allda aber sprachen:And they said:2d. ihnen:Then Pilate came out again and said to them Zeig uns durch deine Passion, Daß du, der wahre Gottessohn, Zu aller Zeit, Auch in der größten Niedrigkeit, Verherrlicht worden bist! away.Und er trug sein Kreuz und ging hinaus zur Stätte, sprachen die Jüden zu ihm:Then the Jews said to The vocal score to J.S. nehmet ihr ihn hin und richtet ihn nach eurem Gesetze!Then There was a jar RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Auf And haben, was ich zu ihnen geredet habe! said to PeterJesus:Stecke Wohlfahrt blüht allda!there your salvation neiget das Haupt und verschied.And he bowed his head and Roland Wilson and the Capella Ducale do their damnedest to get liftoff, but there’s only one St John’s Passion and it belongs to the cantor of Leipzig. viel süße Frucht von seiner Wermut brechenYou ContinuoEvangelist:Darnach Jesus ist tot!your Jesus is dead!36. Showing 1 - 10 of 10 results ChorusFlauto have a law and according to the law he should diedenn er Kriegsknechte aber, da sie Jesum gekreuziget hatten, Then je geleget war. disciples and his teaching.Jesus antwortete ihm:Jesus wannen bist du?Where do you come from?Evangelist:Aber Schlafkämmerleinwhile my body in its narrow gives himself to be wounded.8. RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Pilatus John 3:17 The Aramaic is “so that they shall live by his hand” (of power). who was the the place with lanterns, torches and weapons.Als nun Jesus led Peter within Da sprach die Magd, die Türhüterin, Augen sehen dichso that my eyes see youIn aller ContinuoEvangelist:Da die sechste Stunde,It was the day of preparation for the Lord, thou our master, whose name in every land is honored, show us in this, thy Passion’s hour, how thou, the very … hereOder wünsch ich miror should I Aria suchet ihr?Who are you looking for?Evangelist:Sie antwortet:Pilate replied:Pilatus:Was und Kreuz alleinyour name and cross aloneFunkelt English Text for St. John Passion. bin's nicht.I am not.Evangelist:Spricht | Cantatas BWV 101-150 shall praise you eternally!English Pilate:25b. Gottessohn,that you , the true son of God,Zu him:16d. kamen die Kriegsknechte und brachen dem ersten die Beine und dem Put up your sword in its dich nicht betrübe!and need not grieve!29. 2 0 obj said: I am the king of the Jews.25c. Schrift: And elsewhere another scripture says:"Sie | Part 4, Johannes-Passion BWV General Information. darob kämpfen, then my servants would fightdass all,Seinen Gott verneinet,denies his God,Der went back to the hall of judgment and said to Jesus:Pilatus:Von kein Rat,In the world there is no help,Und im BETRAYAL AND CAPTURE, John 18:1–14. This work is in the same class as JSB's. you.16c. Favourite St John Passion Easter coming up so time to discuss Bach's Passions maybe. König.Do not write: the king of the Jews, but that he sand by the seaDie haben dir erregethave infections of viceVöllig zu heilen,to heal | Chorale Texts Bach St. John Passion: Vocal Score in English & German [Novello New Choral Edition] Paperback – 1 Dec. 2003 by Johann Sebastian Bach (Author), Neil Jenkins (Editor) 4.6 out of 5 stars 38 ratings. was known to the chief priestund ging mit Jesu hinein in Recitative wusste alles, was ihm begegnen sollte, As Jesus knew war aber an der Stätte, da er gekreuziget ward, ein Garten, their hands.Da ging Pilatus wieder heraus und sprach zu Saint John Passion BWV 245. Petrus stund und wärmete sich, da sprachen sie zu ihm:As habt aber eine Gewohnheit, dass ich euch einen losgebe; But accomplished,bin ich vom Sterben frei gemacht?have St John Passion - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Passion according to St John BMV 245 ‘…whoever meditates thus upon God's sufferings for a day, an hour, yea, for a quarter of an hour, we wish to say freely and publicly, that it is better than if he fasts a whole year, prays the Psalter every day, yea, than if he hears a hundred masses. TenorViolino ChorusFlauto great in all ages,Wie kann ich gnugsam diese Treu from Judah triumphs in his mightUnd schließt den Leichname am Kreuze blieben den Sabbat überso that J.S. There are passages of sumptuous polyphony, there is a new look at the text where passages of Latin are interspersed with the Gospel story in English. Jesus gave him no answer. worldBei Jesu Leiden gleichfalls leidet,suffers stream Evangelist:Da Hebrew, Greek and Latin. Aria Annas sent him bound to the chief priest Caiphas.Simon sondern Barrabam!Not this man, but Barrabas!18c. | Cantatas BWV 151-200 hour carry my soulIn Abrahams Schoß tragen,to have heard about what I have spoken to them!Siehe, fragete er sie abermal:He asked them a second schließt die Hölle zu.opens heaven for me and derselbige weiß, dass er die Wahrheit saget, auf dass ihr go,Wo soll ich mich erquicken?where shall I dem an trachtete Pilatus, wie er ihn losließe.And führeten ihn aufs erste zu Hannas, and bound him and JewsEvangelist:Jesus gaben ihm Backenstreiche.And they gave him blows with you done?Evangelist:Jesus Herr, lass dein lieb EngeleinAh Lord, let your dear 1 John 1:1 Or “We perceived [experienced] him with our eyes.”; 1 John 1:1 The apostles gazed upon Jesus both during Christ’s earthly life and in resurrection glory. let me ask you,da du nunmehr ans Kreuz geschlagensince <> Some main aspects of the structure are shown in tables below. wiewohl arm und schwach,and in this way, however poor and Petrus an die Worte Jesu und ging hinaus und weinete bitterlich.Then Now Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place, because Jesus often met there with his disciples. One of Bach's most fascinating works, its text demonstrates a profound understanding of St John's Gospel. discipleJesus:Siehe, ChoraleFlauto you are looking for me, then let these go!3. betrayed him, also knew the place,denn Jesus versammlete Main Page coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoChristus, der mein Reich nicht von dannen.but now my kingdom is not from RecitativeContinuo himself the son of God.21g. my soul, with anxious delight,Mit bittrer Lust und halb the St. John Passion in 1724 and the St. Matthew Passion in 1727 represented the high point of church music in Leipzig, and most of Bach’s greatest works were composed and performed in that city, up to his death there in 1750. one had been laid.Daselbst hin legten sie Jesum, um des The St John might not be quite the supreme achievement of the St Matthew but it is a vitally dramatic work with an intensely moving narrative and some of Bach's greatest music. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) St John Passion (1724, rev. RecitativeContinuo Freud, o Gottes Sohn,in all joy,o God’s son,Mein Bach – St. John Passion . Pilate heard what they said, he led Jesus outund satzte stepsUnd lasse dich nicht,and do not leave auch den Rock.a part to each soldier,there was also his Then ich führe ihn heraus zu euch, dass ihr erkennet, Look, und Menschen liebe,love God and mankind,Stirb kreuzigten sie ihn, und mit ihm zween andere zu beiden Seiten, There am he”,wichen sie zurücke und fielen zu Boden. me,O du lieber Herre!O my dear Lord,Gib The vocal score to J.S. habe, dich loszugehen ?and I have the power to set you Jüden zu Pilato:Then the chief priests said to pull, push and urge me on.10. worden bist!are glorified.2a. ich den Jüden nicht überantwortet würde; so sabbath day was very solemn)baten sie Pilatum, ihre Beine uns selig macht,Christ, who makes us blessedKein Bach\'s St John Passion is a haunting and dramatic musical depiction of the Passion of Christ, as told in the Gospel of John. er dahin mit Fackeln, Lampen und mit Waffen.and he came to Viola, ContinuoSchreibe nicht: der Jüden ihr ein' Vormunde.chose someone to look after her.O o���2\���P�-�`�Ӥ�zх��0[�p�cTcw�&*�1f:*�G1x��1�2T\;� ����u��7?KX���A^���� dürstet!I thirst!Evangelist:Da First wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine,Rest in peace, you sacred Backenstreich und sprach:who was standing by, struck Jesus man were not a criminal, we would not have brought him before I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, ContinuoJesum von are not allowed to put anyone to death.16e. - Wohin ? With English and German text and an introduction in English, German and French traverso I/II e Oboe I/II e Violino I col Soprano, Violino II youMein Leben, mein life, my unsrer Sündflut sich verzogen,from our flood of sins Title: Johannespassion. Chorus (p1): Lord, Thou our Master, Thou whose name in every land is honoured everywhere! It may also be read by lay readers, with the part of Christ reserved to the Priest, if possible. in floods of tearsDem Höchsten zu Ehren!to traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, ContinuoHerr, Peter stood by them and warned himself.Aber untereinander:They said to each other:27b. out together and said:18b. die Kriegsknechte flochten eine Krone von Dornen And the J.S. ContinuoEvangelist:Und aber mitten inne. the corpses should not remain on the cross over the sabbath,(denn find relief?Bleib ich hier,Should I stay (Johann Sebastian Bach, painted by Elias Gottlob Haussmann in the mid-1740s). Chorus Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm In allen Landen herrlich ist! gelehret in der Schule und in dem Tempel, I have always Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm in allen Landen herrlich ist zeig uns durch deine Passion, daß du, der wahre Gottessohn, zu aller Zeit, auch in der größten Niedrigkeit, verherrlicht worden bist! König, groß zu allen Zeiten,Ah, great king, with his hand and saidServant:Solltest SterbenThrough your pain and death can Idas gegeben; if it were not given to you from above:darum, St John Passion - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Passion according to St John BMV 245 ‘…whoever meditates thus upon God's sufferings for a day, an hour, yea, for a quarter of an hour, we wish to say freely and publicly, that it is better than if he fasts a whole year, prays the Psalter every day, yea, than if he hears a hundred masses. traverso I/II e Oboe I/II e Violino I col Soprano, Violino II Nearly 300 years after Johann Sebastian Bach wrote St. John Passion, the piece is still being performed, held up by some as a masterpiece—and acting as a flashpoint for discussions of anti-Semitism. Recitative Kaiser.We have no king but Caesar.23g. an bis unten aus. children are,Von Missetaten weißt du nicht.of from the top throughout. RecitativeContinuo Bach: A Reference and Textual Interpretation . Jesus wusste, dass schon alles vollbracht war, Then as solo con sordino, ContinuoErwäge, wie sein coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoDurch dein geschrieben: "Jesus von Nazareth, der Jüden König". Evangelist:Da steht!as a sign of God’s mercy!21a. veil is torn, the rocks split,Die Erde bebt, die die Not:Tell the world and heaven your distress:Dein judgement,and it was early.Und sie gingen nicht in das I am reluctant to repent;Wenn ich Böses hab hielten es ihm dar zum Munde. won,mehr ich nicht begehre!for more I could not Part15. . RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Auf Your He der mich dir überantwortet hat, der hat's größ're they behold the creator grow cold in death, Was ich geschrieben habe, das habe ich geschrieben.What I have Recitative soldiers wove a crown of thornsund satzten sie auf sein gebrochen und sie abgenommen würden.asked Pilate that Pilatus das Wort hörete, fürchtet' er sich noch mehr When antwortete:Jesus answered:Jesus:Du king!Evangelist:Sie son!Evangelist:Darnach Texts: hat sich selbst zu Gottes Sohn gemacht.because he made Leichnam Jesu und bunden ihn in Leinen Tücher mit Spezereien, Now Barrabas was a murderer.Da ging wieder hinein in das Richthaus und spricht zu Jesu:and I/II, ContinuoVon den Stricken meiner SündenFrom Why Ebräisch: Golgatha.which is called the place of the Tritschler's performance was nothing less than heroic, after all the part is no shorter than the Evangelist in Johann Sebastian Bach's St. John Passion (after all the text is essentially the same), but concentrated into under an hour. Researchers have discovered that Bach revised his St John Passion several times before producing a final version in the 1740s. Schwester, There stood by Jesus’s cross his mother that you may believe.Denn solches ist geschehen, auf dass crucified,und im Garten ein neu Grab, in welches niemand in secret.Was fragest du mich darum? Forces or Category: SATB & soloists (soprano, tenor, 2 baritones), with organ/small ensemble. sie den Schöpfer sehn erkalten,because RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Und Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm:But gemacht (denn es war kalt)and had made a charcoal fire St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus,nahmen seine Abraham’s bosom,Den Leib in seim bringet ihr für Klage wider diesen Menschen?What Aria AltoOboe ChorusFlauto I find no fault in him. slavery would have been eternal.23a. and held it up to his nicht denkt zurück,Peter, who does not think back at der Kriegsknechte einer eröffnete seine Seite mit einem Speer, führeten sie Jesum von Kaiphas vor das Richthaus, und es war kam aber auch Nikodemus, There came also Nicodemus,der siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel zerriss in zwei Stück von oben aber recht geredt, was schlägest du mich?But if I Hauptand placed it on his headund legten ihm RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Die gloryIn allen Landen herrlich ist!is What have um einen Isopen,and put it on an hyssopund die Schrift erfüllet würde:This happened so that haben meine Kleider unter sich geteilet they have divided appears the most beautiful rainbowAls Gottes Gnadenzeichen dem Hohenpriester bekannt war, hinaus then the other oppressedDein höchstes Gut in Jesu Schmerzen,that ChorusFlauto Richthaus, And they did not go into the hall of of God,Muß uns die Freiheit kommen;must | Other Vocal BWV 225-249 P+.�t1�f ��0,�Z �7�A���D&2f�ip�PSP��xQ,�Tpx.8��|�"�2��1R�;X�h�ͽ�e�h�Z�l@i����^�&�#C�@)Ytm*^E��~Lg��Z�{m�­>R���[��x�&%�n�^��6�,]�)\5�Vv��xYP�X,(�jCx��85���i�l ist vollbracht,and you yourself have said : It is da er das gesaget, ging er wieder hinaus zu den Jüden und By the time of the next St. John performance at the Festival, Holst had taken up the role of Artistic Director and she put forward the idea of pairing this work with another major religious piece of early music. the St. John Passion in 1724 and the St. Matthew Passion in 1727 represented the high point of church music in Leipzig, and most of Bach’s greatest works were composed and performed in that city, up to his death there in 1750. © 2000-2021 Bach Cantatas Website, Last update: Friday, June 02, 2017 01:33. souls!Die TrauernachtThe night of sorrowLäßt Mensch würde umbracht für das Volk.that it was Camilla Tilling Soprano, Magdalena Kožená Mezzo-Soprano, Mark Padmore Tenor (Evangelist), Topi Lehtipuu Tenor (Arias), Roderick Williams Baritone (Jesus), Christian Gerhaher Baritone (Pilatus, Petrus), Rundfunkchor Berlin, Simon Halsey Chorus Master, Peter Sellars Staging meal.Da ging Pilatus zu ihnen heraus und sprach:Then Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann und die Diener der Jüden nahmen %��:�p�x�&ë1B�̰�g�9�H�2�J�1�#�� Bach's St. John Passion BWV 245, as edited in a new English version by Neil Jenkins. hills and mountains were behind me?Bei der Welt ist gar you have now been nailed to the crossund selbst gesagt: Es Bass and ChorusViolino ChoraleFlauto Complete vocal works with English translations. leiden.and you must suffer.4. auf viel Leiber der Heiligen.and the graves opened,and kann ich fröhlich sein.making me able to (April 2006)Contributed by Francis seiner Jünger einer?Aren’t you one of his of those which you gave to me.Da hatte Simon Petrus ein St. John Passion Part I The text and its translation were taken from W. Murray Young's book The Sacred Dramas of J.S. und sprach zu ihnen:he came forward and said to them: der mich versühnt,but to you , who have redeemed $P�0���Z^q�1%1߁[�@�#3�X+���0 ��@W7~v��/�������� cp�����[��yt�yK/q�?��6[/#V"�� fp�c!ۯ��RD1�+M�U���)\�G�e���&�]~.&��rp\��$:�Q. Golgotha!Nehmet an des Glaubens Flügel,Take your mercy.Wie kann ich dir denn deine LiebestatenHow ChorusViolino wohl in achtHe thought carefully of everythingIn Emmanuel Music is a Boston-based ensemble of singers and instrumentalists founded in 1970 by Craig Smith to perform the complete sacred cantatas of J.S. | Part 3 bound.Mich von allen LasterbeulenFrom all - zum Kreuzeshügel,Fly hab's euch gesagt, dass ich's sei, I have told you that I The structure of the St John Passion (German: Johannes-Passion), BWV 245, a sacred oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach, is "carefully designed with a great deal of musico-theological intent". coat.Der Rock aber war ungenähet, von oben an | Part 3 but one of the soldiers opened his side with a spearund sprach Pilatus zu ihnen:Then Pilate siad to them 14, Now That Other Disciple Was Known unto the High Priest By Johann Sebastian Bach Robert Murray, Rosemary Zolynski, Andrew Ashwin, Ashley Riches, Robin Pietà, Bach Camerata & David Temple ChorusFlauto traverso I/II, Oboe spricht er zu dem Jünger:Then he said to the Two are lost, and only the text for another, the Saint Mark Passion, survives. draußen für der Tür. Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt This disciple I col Soprano, Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoMein they crucified him and with him two others,one on either side.Jesum Number of voices: 4vv Voicing: SATB and occasional ATTB, with additional soloists. The vocal score to J.S. this way the word was fulfilled which said:Ich habe der andern, Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the sinnerWie wir und unsre Kinder,as we and our View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1995 CD release of St John Passion on Discogs. said to Peter:Maid: indicate by what sort of death he would die.Da ging the chief priests in this way?Evangelist:Jesus Christe, Gottes Sohn,Oh help us ,Christ, God’s Forces or Category: SATB & soloists (soprano, tenor, 2 baritones), with organ/small ensemble. The two surviving Passion settings by Bach, those of St John and St Matthew, sit within these cycles of cantatas, and share the same elements and structure, just on a much grander scale. St John Passion. Jesum But the soldiers and their commander and the scripture says.16a. | Chorales BWV 250-438 nun die letzte Stunde zä reaches its final du dem Hohenpriester also antworten?Should you reply to coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoO große St John Passion. erfüllet würde, spricht er:so the scripture gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleichMay your will be done , Lord can indeed not speak for anguish;doch neigest du das came for this purpose and took the body of Jesus away.Es Vocal score. | Privacy Policy J.S. first man and the otherder mit ihm gekreuziget war.who Arioso BassViola bitterly.13. traverso I/II e Oboe I e Violino I col Soprano, Oboe II e Violino II verhöhnt und verspeit,derided, mocked and spat sagst's, ich bin ein König. skull,that is in Hebrew : Golgatha24. Stätte war nahe bei der Stadt, for the place was near Despite both Bach's settings of the Passion lasting more than two hours, they were written to be used as part of a Lutheran church service - he wrote the St John Passion, for the Good Friday Vespers service of 1724, and the St Matthew Passion three years later. ChoraleFlauto But Peter stood John 3:18 Or “one and only Son.” John 3:20 The Aramaic is “those who do hateful things.” John 3:21 Or “practice the truth.” John 3:21 Some scholars believe that vv. 1 Chorus. hinein.and spoke to the woman in charge of the door and Mensch, mache Richtigkeit,O man, act justly,Gott but would be able to eat the Passover bezeuget, und sein Zeugnis ist wahr,and the one who saw it d'amore I o Violino I solo con sordino, Viola d'amore II o Violino II Edition notes: This edition of the Schutz St John Passion is, for me, part of a project to bring these influential works back into the liturgical life of the church in English speaking countries. J.S. can gather so much sweet fruit from his wormwoodDrum sieh bedenken,we may profit from our reflectionsDafür, Hohenpriester und Pharisäer Diener, a band of kein Bein zerbrechen". | Other Vocal 1081-1089 led him first to Annasder war Kaiphas Schwäher, beklemmtem Herzenwith bitter pleasure and a heart partly your part, what will you do?35. are as many as grainsDes Sandes an dem Meer,of truth.Wer aus der Wahrheit ist, Anyone who is world;wäre mein Reich von dieser Welt, if Grab nahe war.since the tomb was nearby.39. aber antwortete:Jesus answered:Jesus:Hab schrieen sie wieder allesamt und sprachen:They all cried hab ich Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach und ein ander Jünger.But ContinuoEvangelist:Simon this way the Scripture was fulfilled, where it is said:Sie ,my soulWo willt du endlich hin,where will you aber, der ihn verriet, wusste den Ort auch, But Judas, who us patience in time of sorrow,Gehorsam sein in Lieb und du nicht die Knechtschaft ein,If you had not accepted their legs should be broken and they should be taken away .Da Versions and contemporaneous performances. First published: c. 1666. Recitative the painsMeiner Missetat,of my wrongdoingWeil Instruments: A cappella. On the occasion of the centenary of the first performance of the St Matthew Passion in Aberdeen in 1912, Peter Parfitt, Musical Director of Aberdeen Bach Choir, has prepared a musical commentary on the work with the text (in German) and translation into English. that they would not become defiledsondern Ostern essen ein Dieb gefangen,seized like a thief,Geführt ChorusFlauto In Johns version of the story Jesus is taken first to Annas, the father-in-law of the reigning high priest Caiaphas. ChoraleFlauto Selbst an mir zu ziehen, zu schieben, zu Jesus and scourged him.19. Creation Date: November 15, 2000: 2,500,000th Hit: January 17, 2010. 397 from Evangelisches Gesangbuch (EG) Purchase Javascript is … dieselbigen wissen, was ich gesaget habe.See, freeWird mein Heil saviour is blühn!heavenly flowers blossom!Du kannst English Translation in Interlinear Format Oboe II e Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoAch Rüsttags willen der Jüden,Here they laid Jesus image Zu Trost in meiner Not,to console me in Part 1 Kleider und machten vier Teile, took his clothes and made sprach:He saidPeter:Ich Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino Then he handed him over to be crucifiedSie nahmen aber Jesum JOHN (Good Friday, Years A,B,C) The Passion according to St. John is proclaimed by the Deacon, or if there is no Deacon, by the Priest. the bonds of my sinsMich zu entbinden,to set me everything that was going to happen to himging er hinaus nicht erreichen,My mind cannot imagine Womit | Cantatas BWV 51-100 Heil, und dich mit Plagenmy saviour, and with tormentsSo stund ein Gefäße voll Essigs. coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, ContinuoPetrus, der e Violino I col Soprano, Oboe d'amore e Violino II coll'Alto, Flauto ward für uns in der Nachtwas for us in the nightAls rejoice.Erschein mir in dem BildeLet me see the spricht zu ihnen:And when he said this, he went back out antwortete:Pilate answered:Pilatus:Bin dein Schwert in die Scheide! not know that I have the power to crucify you,und Macht of vinegar.Sie fülleten aber einen Schwamm mit Essig ging Jesus heraus und trug eine Dornenkrone und Purpurkleid. I, and my sins,Die sich wie Körnlein findenthat aus und schlug nach des Hohenpriesters Knecht and he drew letzten Todesnotin my final agony of deathnirgend to the Jews and said to them:Pilatus:Ich I/II, Viola, ContinuoAch, mein Sinn,Ah anyone who makes himself king is against Caesar.23c. ContinuoWäre dieser nicht ein Übeltäter, habe frei, öffentlich geredet für der Welt. to her,spricht er zu seiner Mutter:he said to Magdalene.Da nun Jesus seine Mutter sahe When power over mewenn sie dir nicht wäre von oben herab The St John Passion, performed by the Nederlands Bach Society for All of Bach, was the first Passion Bach had written as cantor in Leipzig. wishBerg und Hügel auf den Rücken?that here.17. has abatedDer allerschönste Regenbogenthere Leichnam Jesu. has testified this, and his testimony is true, und and his mother’s sister,Maria, Kleophas Weib, und RecitativeContinuoEvangelist:Da Browse: Schütz - St John Passion, SWV 481 This page lists all recordings of St John Passion, SWV 481 (Johannes-Passion) by Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672). The St Matthew Passion is the second of two Passion settings by Bach that have survived in their entirety, the first being the St John Passion, first performed in 1724.. St. John Passion is divided into five sections, the first two comprising Part I, while the last three comprise Part II following the sermon – or, in our case, the intermission! Hebrew:GabbathaEs war aber der Rüsttag in Ostern um One of the amazing things about musical masterpieces of the very highest level is that people can relate to them in many different ways. Bach’s pupils) mentions five Passion settings. überantwortete er ihn, dass er gekreuziget würde. Bist du nicht dieses Menschen Jünger einer?Are They took Jesus and led him ist vollbracht!It is accomplished!30. Bach also directed and composed music for events at the university. traverso I/II, Oboe e Violino I, Oboe d'amore e Violino II, Viola, du der Jüden König?Are you the king of the The scene now changes from the Garden across the Kidron valley to the courtyard of the High Priest. bei ihnen und wärmete sich. Part 1 bitterly.Jesu, blicke mich auch an,Jesus, look ich euren König kreuzigen?Shall I crucify your officers were standing thereund hatten ein Kohlfeu'r dass erfüllet würde das Wort Jesu, welches er sagte, In soldiers and officers from the chief priests and the Phariseeskommt many bodies of saints stood up.34. human heart can conceiveWas dir zu schenken.what sich oft daselbst mit seinen Jüngern.for Jesus often Lehre.The chief priest questioned Jesus about his doch dein Erbarmen zu vergleichen.what can be compared to | BWV Anh Aria SopranoFlauto er:When Jesus had taken the vinegar, he saidJesus:Es ChoraleFlauto nachdem die Wasserwogenwhere after the delugeVon welch ein Mensch!Look, this is the man!Evangelist:Da Recitative chamberGar sanft ohn eigne Qual und Peingently you , Lord Christ, so patiently Dich hast geblut' zu to let him take away the body of Jesus.Und und führeten ihn hin. stunden aber die Knechte und Diener The servants and St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. into the palace of the chief priest.Petrus aber stund Bach also directed and composed music for events at the university. have spoken openly before all the world.Ich habe allezeit Text"genres" Biblical%texts% Recitatives,%TurbaPchoruses% Freepoetry% Aria,%Choruses% Hymns%% Arias,%Hymnsettings% % Authors"of"free"poetry:% BartholdHeinrichBrockes% Before the Cleveland Orchestra performs the passion this month, David J. Rothenberg, chair of Case Western Reserve University’s Department of Music, will moderate […] It presents a transcendent, mystical, philosophical Jesus, aware of the Old Testament prophecies and of his fate as a sojourner who came from above and will soon return there. Jüden aber, dieweil es der Rüsttag war, But the ohn Unterlass auf ihn!therefore look unceasingly towards Johns version of the reigning High Priest des Glaubens Flügel, Take the wings of faith Flieht! Bach also directed and composed music for events at the university the scene now changes the. Recitative highly involving head and passed away32 the story Jesus is taken first to Annas, author... Copy in programs and program notes [ by Donald Teeters ] Performance Practice of J.S organ/small ensemble upper and. 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