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• The democratic project that the Republic was based on aroused great hopes in the nation. Fifty eight religious buildings including churches, convents and part of the university at Oviedo were burned and destroyed. "[45], In June 1936 Miguel de Unamuno, disenchanted with the unfolding of the events told a reporter who published his statement in El Adelanto that President Manuel Azaña should commit suicide as a patriotic act.[46]. [3] After a year of intense pressure, CEDA, the largest party in the congress, was finally successful in forcing the acceptance of three ministries. Seidman, Michael. [51] Stanley Payne claims that before these events, the idea of rebellion by army officers against the government had weakened; Mola had estimated that only 12% of officers reliably supported the coup and at one point considered fleeing the country for fear he was already compromised, and had to be convinced to remain by his co-conspirators. Moreover the Second Republic gave the retired officers full-pay, so by the end it had little money left for social reforms. [21] Scholars have described the constitution as hostile to religion, with one scholar characterising it as one of the most hostile of the 20th century. [4] A general strike was called by the UGT and the PSOE in the name of the Alianza Obrera. Spain had a very religious population, and by establishing the extreme measures against the Church, the government lost support from a quarter of the Spanish people already. No effective action was taken; Payne points to a possible veto by socialists within the government who shielded the killers who had been drawn from their ranks. The Second Spanish Republic (1931–36) was the only new liberal democratic regime to emerge in Europe during the 1930s. The restoration of the royal Bourbons was rejected by large sectors of the populace who vehemently opposed the King. [57] The major goal was to put an end to anarchical disorder. Almost immediately after the results were known, a group of monarchists asked Robles to lead a coup but he refused. This also illustrates how the Republic managed to anger most classes in Spain. The Second Republic was an attempt to build a “modern” Spain and lasted until April 1st 1939 when the successful military rebellion led by General Francisco Franco brought to an end the Spanish Civil War. Although much of rural Spain elected pro-monarchist politicians, everyone, including King Alfonso XIII, knew that local caciques (local town bosses) controlled the vote. [14] This led various republican factions from a wide variety of backgrounds (including old conservatives, socialists and Catalan nationalists) to join forces. The failure of a Republican military rising at Jaca (December 12, 1930) saved them from having to establish a republic by force. Asturias 1934. Don't have an account yet? GCSE resources with teacher and student feedback, AS and A Level resources with teacher and student feedback, International Baccalaureate resources with teacher and student feedback, University resources with teacher and student feedback. [47], Prominent rightists blamed the government for Calvo Sotelo's assassination. [9] The right had firmly believed, at all levels, that they would win. This way the republican government of Manuel Azaña initiated numerous reforms to what in their view would "modernize" the country.[2]. It was a bloodless transition and there was plenty of window dressing to celebrate the occasion. [55] Within hours of learning of the murder and the reaction, Franco, that until then had not been involved in the conspiracies, changed his mind on rebellion and dispatched a message to Mola to display his firm commitment.[56]. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. The reason for this great failure takes its root in many different aspects of the Spanish history. On 12 July 1936, Lieutenant José Castillo, an important member of the anti-fascist military organisation Unión Militar Republicana Antifascista (UMRA), was shot by Falangist gunmen. History SL Assignment: Essay - Why did the Second Republic Fail? The Left Republic of 1931-3 Apr 1, 1931. The Second Republic was formed on April 14, 1931 after local elections returned anti-monarchist representatives in most cities and large towns. Manuel Azaña Díaz was called upon to form a government before the electoral process had come to an end, and he would shortly replace Zamora as president, taking advantage of a constitutional loophole: the Constitution allowed the Cortes to remove the President from office after two early dissolutions, and while the first (1933) dissolution had been partially justified because of the fulfillment of the Constitutional mission of the first legislature, the second one had been a simple bid to trigger early elections. Fraude y violencia en las elecciones del Frente Popular." This helped the development of the fascist-inspired Falange Española, a National party led by José Antonio Primo de Rivera, the son of the former dictator, Miguel Primo de Rivera. The Second Spanish Republic's economy was mostly agrarian, and many historians call Spain during this time a "backward nation". Due to Spain's backwardness and the fact that the nation was poor, many people sought to go to extremist parties in search of a solution. This was detrimental to the Republic because its primary goal was social reform: it was voted in by the peasants because it promised the latter (a majority of the population) reforms that would bring more equality between the labourers and the landowners. Calvo Sotelo was one of the most prominent Spanish monarchists who, describing the government's actions as Bolshevist and anarchist, had been exhorting the army to intervene, declaring that Spanish soldiers would save the country from communism if "there are no politicians capable of doing so". [28], The majority vote in the 1933 elections was won by the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right (CEDA). If anything, the uprising and its results further divided the government and the people of Spain. Catholic churches and establishments in cities like Madrid and Sevilla were set ablaze on 11 May. It also effectively disestablished the Roman Catholic Church, but the disestablishment was somewhat reversed by the Cortes that same year. Sotelo was arrested and later shot dead in a police truck. Agrarian issues would be solved by regional commissioners on the basis of smallholdings but collective cultivation would be permitted in some circumstances. He did, however, ask prime minister Manuel Portela Valladares to declare a state of war before the revolutionary masses rushed into the streets. When this failed and Barcelona fell to the rebels in early 1939, it was clear the war was over. The moderate centre parties virtually disappeared; between the elections, Lerroux's group fell from the 104 representatives it had in 1934 to just 9. The Second Spanish Republic 1931-39: Historical Overview. The Second Republic (1931-1936) The birth of the Second Republic was the key moment in modern Spanish history. mation of the Second Spanish Republic, six decades after the ephemeral and failed first attempt of a republican government. more. The municipal elections of April 12, 1931, proved that the great cities were overwhelmingly Republican. [66] Imposed in the name of neutrality, the international isolation of the Spanish Republic ended up favouring the interests of the future Axis Powers.[67]. Major industries of the Second Spanish Republic were located in the Basque region (due to it having Europe's best high-grade non-phosphoric ore) and Catalonia. This could mean that this party might have followed Caballero?s suggestions or to show Spain what their mentality was. Bloody purges followed in each piece of captured "Nationalist" territory in order to consolidate Franco's future regime. Spanish Second Republic Revisited: From Democratic Hopes to Civil War (1931-1936) (Studies in Spanish History) | Tardío, Manuel Álvarez, Reguillo, Fernando Del Rey | ISBN: 9781845195922 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Successes of the Republic Failures of the Republic Regional Economic / Social Political Military Religious Extension Task: Why did the Spanish Second Republic Fail? The birth of Spain’s Second Republic was greeted enthusiastically following the decision of both the dictator, General Miguel Primo de Rivera, and the king, Alfonso XIII, to go into exile (in January 1930 and April 1931 respectively). The constitution of The Second Spanish Republic was groundbreaking in the history of Spain and changed the face of the country. The Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed eighty years ago, on 14 April, 1931, after the monarchy’s supporters lost the elections against the republicans. Historians, however, have focused primarily on the Civil War of 1936–39 that followed, devoting much less attention to the parliamentary regime that preceded it. [9] Manuel Azaña Díaz was called upon to form a government before the electoral process had come to an end; he would shortly replace Zamora as president, taking advantage of a constitutional loophole. For example, they were recruited into anti profiteering objectivities during the Civil War because of their "tender hearts and sharp eyes." Spain History - 2nd Republic - (1931 - 1939) For the next five years the power swayed between the political views of the right and left and more often as not blood was shed. Of course this is not in any way a solution or a way out of the mess. General Sanjurjo would be the head of this new regime, due to being widely liked and respected within the military, though his position would be a largely symbolic due to his lack of political talent. "Revisando el revisionismo. Ein Staatsstreich rechtsgerichteter Teile der Armee gegen die gewählte linke Regierung löst… While the Axis powers wholeheartedly assisted General Franco's military campaign, the governments of France, Britain, and other European powers looked the other way and let the Republican forces die, as the actions of the Non-Intervention Committee would show. The government headed by Manuel Azaña undertook deep reforms to modernise Spain and stabilize the Republican regime. [60] However, the separation of church and state was forgotten once the conflict assumed the dimension of a war of religion, and military authorities increasingly deferred to the Church and to the expression of Catholic sentiment. The suspension of the land reforms that had been attempted by the previous government, and the failure of the Asturias miners' uprising, led to a more radical turn by the parties of the left, especially in the PSOE (Socialist Party), where the moderate Indalecio Prieto lost ground to Francisco Largo Caballero, who advocated a socialist revolution. The leaders of the treason (Franco was not commander-in-chief yet) did not lose heart with the stalemate and apparent failure of the coup. Die Zweite Spanische Republik (spanisch Segunda República Española [seˌɣunda reˈpuβlika espaˌɲola]) bezeichnet in Spanien die Epoche von 1931 bis 1936 bzw. The significance of Spain's Second Republic has been largely overshadowed by the cataclysmic Civil War that immediately followed it. During this time, the government of Manuel Azaña initiated numerous reforms to modernize the country. [37][38] This view has been criticised by Eduardo Calleja and Francisco Pérez, who question the charges of electoral irregularity and argue that the Popular Front would still have won a slight electoral majority even if all of the charges were true. Created by teachers, our study guides highlight the really important stuff you need to know. All Rights Reserved. Spain-Barcelona for information on the Second Republic in Spanish History, its dates and important historical events. The Spanish Republic and commonly known as the Second Spanish Republic to distinguish it from the previous and short-lived First Spanish Republic (1873–1874), was the democratic republican administration that existed in Spain from 1931 to 1939. Alvarez Tardio, Manuel. Fairly well armed revolutionaries managed to take the whole province of Asturias, committing numerous murders of policemen, clerics and civilians and destroying religious buildings including churches, convents and part of the university at Oviedo. The 1931 Constitution was formally effective from 1931 until 1939. Create one now! Beevor, Antony. The bombing of Guernica was probably the most infamous event of the war and inspired Picasso's painting. [5] The rebellion developed into a bloody revolutionary uprising, trying to overthrow the legitimate democratic regime. In anticlericalism: Spain …of 1931 that established the Second Republic brought to power an anticlerical government. Historia Contemporánea 3, no. Landowners were expropriated. The constitution established legal procedures for the nationalisation of public services and land, banks, and railways. Log in now! Second Republic This brief democratization occurred from 1931-1939, although two of those years were bloody civil war. As a result, an estimated total of half a million people would lose their lives in the war that followed; the number of casualties is actually disputed as some have suggested as many as a million people died. © 2003 - 2015 Marked by Teachers. [52] However, the kidnapping and murder of Sotelo transformed the "limping conspiracy" into a revolt that could trigger a civil war. This greatly contributed to their "backwardness", as their industry was located away from their coal reserves which caused immense transportation costs due to the mountainous Spanish terrain. Spain, as a largely agrarian economy was rife with endemic poverty hindering growth and industrialization. [13], On 28 January 1930, the military dictatorship of General Miguel Primo de Rivera (who had been in power since September 1923) was overthrown. During the Spanish Civil War, there were three governments. The Second Spanish Republic. In response a group of Guardia de Asalto and other leftist militiamen led by Civil Guard Fernando Condés, after getting the approval of the minister of interior to illegally arrest a list of members of parliament, went to right-wing opposition leader José Calvo Sotelo's house in the early hours of 13 July on a revenge mission. The Himno de Riego was established as the national anthem, and the Tricolor, with three horizontal red-yellow-purple fields, became the new flag of Spain. The Second Republic did try its best at times in measures such as the labour arbitration scheme and the Catalan Statute. This gave Mola and the military the perfect excuse to initiate their plan, and eventually the three years of war that followed confirmed the Second Republic's failure. Alfonso XIII of Spain assumed power in 1902. Spanish Second Republic Revisited: From Democratic Hopes to the Civil War (1931-1936) (Sussex Studies in Spanish History) | Alvarez Tardio, Manuel, Rey Reguillo, Fernando del | ISBN: 9781845194598 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. The coup failed due to the popular resistance and the support of some police forces loyal to the Republic. Agrarian Reform Law Apr 1, 1931. Instead he invited the Radical Republican Party's Alejandro Lerroux to do so. [2], Soon Azaña came into conflict with both the right and far left. In November 1932, Miguel de Unamuno, one of the most respected Spanish intellectuals, rector of the University of Salamanca, and himself a Republican, publicly raised his voice to protest. The Second Republic in Spain lasted from 1931 to 1939. This was not a coup attempt but more of a "police action" akin to Asturias, as Franco believed the post-election environment could become violent and was trying to quell the perceived leftist threat. President Alcalá-Zamora, who had always been hostile to the government, decided to call for new elections, refusing once again to invite CEDA, the party with most seats in the parliament, to form a government. [4] A general strike was called by the UGT and the PSOE in the name of the Alianza Obrera. The north, including the Basque country, fell in late 1937, and the Aragon front collapsed shortly afterward. The birth of Spain’s Second Republic was greeted enthusiastically following the decision of both the dictator, General Miguel Primo de Rivera, and the king, Alfonso XIII, to go into exile (in January 1930 and April 1931 respectively). donquijote. Abysmal working conditions, led to the increase of trade unionism as a means to bring about change. Alcalá Zamora’s professed goal was to “center the Republic,” stabilizing the new regime while avoiding extremes, but he failed altogether in this project. This left Asturian strikers to fight alone. The initial government would be an all-military "Directory", which would create a "strong and disciplined state." Get Full Access Now They claimed that the authorities did not properly investigate it and promoted those involved in the murder whilst censoring those who cried out about it and shutting down the headquarters of right-wing parties and arresting right-wing party members, often on "flimsy charges". • Nevertheless, five years later the country plunged itself into a gory civil war. Hachette UK, 2012. harvnb error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFCasanova2010 (, Mariano Ospina Peña, La II República Española,, Dilectissima Nobis, 2 (On Oppression Of The Church Of Spain), Spain 1833–2002, p.133, Mary Vincent, Oxford, 2007, sfn error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFCasanova2010 (, Madariaga - Spain (1964) p.416 as cited in, sfn error: no target: CITEREFVilla_GarcíaÁlvarez_Tardío2017 (. • The birth of the Second Republic was the key moment in modern Spanish history. Name: Eva Teng The Second Spanish Republic was established in 1931, and it was the first attempt to establish democracy in Spain after the previous failure in the 19th century. In 1930, Primo de Rivera was forced to resign. On 28 January 1930 the military dictatorship of General Miguel Primo de Rivera (who had been in power since September 1923) was overthrown. The second government was led by socialist Francisco Largo Caballero of the trade union General Union of Workers (UGT). [22] José Ortega y Gasset stated, "the article in which the Constitution legislates the actions of the Church seems highly improper to me. Esdaile, Charles J. Spain’s First Democracy The Second Republic, 1931–1936 Stanley G. Payne “[Stanley Payne is] America’s most prolific historian of Spain.” —Paul Preston, New York Times Book Review The significance of Spain’s Second Republic has been largely overshadowed by the cataclysmic Civil War that immediately followed it. It was a bloodless transition and there was plenty of window dressing to celebrate the occasion. But altogether it was these divisions, combined with the Second Republic's extreme policies and inappropriate approach to situations, that led to this government's inevitable downfall. Rather than face civil war and street demonstrations in … Second Republic, (1848–52) French republic established after the Revolution of 1848 toppled the July monarchy of King Louis-Philippe. This cold-blooded murder had an electrifying effect which provided a catalyst to transform what was a "limping conspiracy", led by General Emilio Mola, into a powerful revolt. When the antifascist Castillo and the anti-socialist Calvo Sotelo were buried on the same day in the same Madrid cemetery, fighting between the Police Assault Guard and fascist militias broke out in the surrounding streets, resulting in four more deaths. The final crucial factor is the Spanish military. Legislation prior to February 1936 would be respected. (The first French republic had been formed during the French Revolution.) Instead he invited the Radical Republican Party's Alejandro Lerroux to do so. The pact, signed by representatives of the main Republican forces, allowed a joint anti-monarchy political campaign. Second Republic. For Spain from 1873 to 1874, see. The Spanish Second Republic Read this doc on Scribd: Causes of the Spanish Civil War Worksheet to accompany the interactive unit at / 1 1931-1936: Why did the Spanish Second Republic Fail? However fearing the increasing popular opposition the Radicals and Socialist majority postponed the regular elections, therefore prolonging their way in power for two more years. [3] After a year of intense pressure, CEDA finally forced the appointment of three of its three ministries. "[23] Pope Pius XI condemned the Spanish government's deprivation of the civil liberties of Catholics in the encyclical Dilectissima Nobis. Abroad Spain is classified as insolvent. The Second Spanish Republic 1931-39: Historical Overview. He took control of Spain from the government of the Second Spanish Republic after winning the Civil War, and was in power 1978, when the … [62][63], Franco's move was intended to seize power immediately, but his army uprising met with serious resistance, and great swathes of Spain, including most of the main cities, remained loyal to the Republic of Spain. But the built-up of strain and pressure played the main part in covering up the Republic's accomplishments and made its failure inevitable. Those who supported the Right, which were mainly Army officers, believed that this was the dismemberment of Spain. The Spanish Republic (Spanish: República Española), commonly known as the Second Spanish Republic (Spanish: Segunda República Española), was the form of government in Spain from 1931 to 1939. [32] Thirty thousand workers were mobilized for battle within ten days. JavaScript seem to be disabled in your browser. "[27], In 1933, all remaining religious congregations were obliged to pay taxes and banned from industry, trade and educational activities. The Pact of San Sebastián was the key to the transition from monarchy to republic. Military reform headed by a politician (and civilian), however, did cause alarm. The Second Spanish Republic Timeline created by jay0034. Home rule was granted to Catalonia, with a local parliament and a president of its own. [7] The revolutionary soviets set up by the miners attempted to impose order on the areas under their control, and the moderate socialist leadership of Ramón González Peña and Belarmino Tomás took measures to restrain violence. The fact that it had utterly failed made no impression on the ardent radical revolutionaries. [58][59] Of particular importance to Mola was ensuring the revolt was at its core an Army affair, one that would not be subject to special interests and that the coup would make the armed forces the basis for the new state. In 1932 the Jesuits who were in charge of the best schools throughout the country were banned and had all their property confiscated. This ban was forced with strict police severity and widespread mob violence. In the eyes of many people this was not equality, as the state strived to achieve and failed to do. The liberal republicans’ hopes of establishing an enduring democratic regime were soon The extent of its success can be seen by the fact that its membership tripled between 1931~33. On 12 July 1936, Lieutenant José Castillo, an important member of the anti-fascist military organisation Unión Militar Republicana Antifascista (UMRA), was shot by Falangist gunmen. The significance of Spain's Second Republic has been largely overshadowed by the cataclysmic Civil War that immediately followed it. [64] The name is also associated to Stalin because his party was called in the same way. Analyse the reasons for the weaknesses and collapse of democracy between 1918 and 1939 ... Crisis and Collapse in Spain between 1793 and 1808, Why did Tsarism fail to survive the first world war. This was only made worse due to Spanish exports being extremely low and Spain having a heavily domestic manufacturing industry. Template:Lead too long Catholicism in the Second Spanish Republic was an important area of dispute and tensions between the Catholic hierarchy and the Republic were apparent from the beginning - the establishment of the Republic began 'the most dramatic phase in the contemporary history of both Spain and the Church.' The military rebels intended to seize power immediately, but the uprising met with serious resistance, and great swathes of Spain, including most of the main cities, remained loyal to the Republic of Spain. Sep 13, 1923. Cambridge University Press, 2017, p-17, Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right, Background of the Spanish Civil War § Second Republic, Background of the Spanish Civil War § The "black biennium", German involvement in the Spanish Civil War, Coat of Arms of the Second Spanish Republic, Catholicism in the Second Spanish Republic, " "La quema de iglesias durante la Segunda República" 10 May 2012", Perspectives on religious freedom in Spain, "A History of Spain and Portugal (Print Edition)", "24 horas - Stanley G. Payne: "Las elecciones del 36, durante la Republica, fueron un fraude, "The Spanish Civil War exhibition: Mainline text", "La Pasionaria's Farewell Message to the International Brigade fighters",, Constitución de la República Española (1931), English Translation of the Constitution of the Spanish Republic (1931), Pro-Republic, 75th Anniversary Manifiesto, Original article from the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, History of the republic and the victory of the Popular Front in elections,, States and territories established in 1931, States and territories disestablished in 1939, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Spain articles missing geocoordinate data, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 12 January 2021, at 05:52. Your computer, tablet or smartphone were mobilized for Battle within ten days domestic manufacturing industry even democratic... 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